
Showing posts from April, 2015

Freedom is the answer

You don't need to answer. I won't say never. But most of the always you seriously don't need to answer. Not to the world, not even to yourself. You are free. We all are. But we do cage ourselves, often we do let people build walls around us. We suffocate in those walls. But we keep on bearing those walls in the name of love, society, discipline and so many orthodox empty orders.                I don't mean to condemn the above mentioned elements, but the truth is everything feels good only if it's not pushed on us, even God has granted us free will; so how can the world so ethically and unethically place boundations on us?       I find it funny as well as critical how society writes some non sense on paper and call them 'rules'. They push poison down our throat in the name of medicine. They try to steal what God gifted us: Free will. They don't want us to decide, they don't want us to open our eyes and most of all they don't want us to open ou

Cruise control: thoughts we have

Life is a weird yet interesting yet surprising yet complex yet simple. It brings turns unknown to a path all known and walked upon. It brings new troubles, often we make most of them. Some real, some fake. There are troubles which affect our lives and there are troubles which don't exist but we do own them. You might be thinking why and how we put purselves into troubles. Yes, we do invite them.                                                        We are the moulders of reality and truth. We generate thoughts, thoughts which are nothing but a smoke in our consciousness but it's so lethal that it can make demons evolve. We let our thoughts hold grasp of our lives. Our thoughts start out as a small seed but soon turns into a bush of thorns which pierce our days and dreams. It brings fears, doubts, confusion. It affects peace, decision making and our strength.    It's interesting to see how weak we are and to whom. We turn slaves of nothing but our thoughts. Fake fears an

Avengers: Age of Ultron : Peace in our own time

One of the most awaited movie of 2015 brings fans to the theatre with huge excitement and readiness for any surprise to come. And who can doubt when the mind behind the movie is nobody else but Stan lee and to give the best on screen is not a single actor but a full army of avenger stars.                              First impression is a last impression and in the first impression movie grips viewer's eyes with classly directed action scene by enthusiast director Joss Whedon bringing audience back to the world of avengers. A heroic entry is what everyone wished for and that wish is well served. From beginning itself movie is full of action, humour, excitement, magnificently used inspiring dialogues.                     There are three new entries in the franchise: The Twins and the falcon (Anthony Mackie). Twins- Wanda Maximoff played by Elizabeth Olsen and Pietro Maximoff played by Aaron-Taylor Johnson, who lost their parents at age of 10; who find avengers, especially Tony St

The trinity of past, present and future

The moment that our life beholds from the time of our birth till the end of our lives. We know nothing about it as long as we don't know about anything else. But the irony follows in time when we are concerned about everything but we don't pay focus on the precious gift known as 'Moment'.                        Sooner in life we start to know about something which doesn't even exist in the current spin of life. It's future. We plan for it. We assume. Often we assume it in accord to the fake illusion set up in our mind. But that illusion do get hurt; everytime, until we realize the worth of the moment.                                                           The only illusions that exist are not only the ones regarding future. Many are the ghosts from the past, which did existed every yesterday but it has never and never will be materially affecting our today.                                                                                                The