The trinity of past, present and future

The moment that our life beholds from the time of our birth till the end of our lives. We know nothing about it as long as we don't know about anything else. But the irony follows in time when we are concerned about everything but we don't pay focus on the precious gift known as 'Moment'.
                       Sooner in life we start to know about something which doesn't even exist in the current spin of life. It's future. We plan for it. We assume. Often we assume it in accord to the fake illusion set up in our mind. But that illusion do get hurt; everytime, until we realize the worth of the moment.
                                                          The only illusions that exist are not only the ones regarding future. Many are the ghosts from the past, which did existed every yesterday but it has never and never will be materially affecting our today.
                                                                                               The reason for writing about these three important guests of everyone's life is to show that the two of them are mere illusions and are like the tenants who party all day and all night, damage peace and health of our apartment and don't even pay the rent. Will you ever allow someone to destroy you so badly? Of course you won't but you let your past and future thoughts and worries destroy the peace and health of your days and nights and if practiced it can be a problem of a lifetime.
      Your mind's like a camera which catches image of everything that comes in it's range. And it perfectly does what it is made for. It will return positive outcome if you feed it positivity, vice versa it produces fear and worries when you feed it the same. This is going to happen until the end, until and unless you take control of it and guide it to a healthy and peaceful attitide. Click only those pictures which you wish to develop. Don't care about missing something which you don't even know. Instead focus on what you wish to take home. Don't fear of failures at first because your mind will continue to follow attractive things even if they are most lethal and harmful and that's the step where you'll gradually improve or get struck in between, at the place which you'll pass when you'll prove your worth by persistence or passion or enthusiasm or grace or whatever you love to say it.

Whatever happens never fear of end. End is certain and it will come. But there's no need to think about it. No effect we can make on it by merely thinking. End brings beginning with itself that's the only best thing about it. Every time an end comes up to you, you start from the beginning. Remember end is just a single wrong step which brings the abyss. Whenever you start next time, go just one step further. Avoid the missteps of mind, kill the thoughts of fears and worries right from the root. Either bring in a positive thought to pull negative one out or bring yourself to the horizon of reality making you realize that you are real, not your thought. If you are unable to push fear behind after trying these two things, try the eternal formula: silence. Remove your consciousness from each and every thing around you, even if it's getting rid of important things. Go into complete silence, unknown of time, space and everything. Go into the valley of silence where only positivity is welconed and and everything else is prohibited.
                                                           Come back to the moment; the present. Silencing everything that mind yells, unaware of whatever yesterday had, what tomorrow brings.

Remember, the next and gone are in no control, rest of moment you can live the role.


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