Unravelling irresistible fatigue

An irresistible fatigue comes up again and again,
before the end of the day till the beginning of the dawn.

Surpassing it is the greatest delight,
because when it ends,
i meet myself.

Face of my soul,
Not the eyes i wear,
Not the lips i smile with.

I swim languidly enjoying each and every sight,
listening to all the chirps dissolved in the wind.

I fly aimlessly in the far end sky,
with the soul-intention of going beyond everywhere i pass.

It's the time when i don't belong to the chains and prisons,
it's the time when i stay in the refuge that can't be pierced.

I fly and fly and swim in the universe,
unknown into the uncertain.

But as there's a beginning, there's an end,
As there's a journey there's also a bend.

I fly into the unknown until i sense the fright,
the fright sown by myself,
in the garden of mind.

The garden that turned into a demon,
Comes home without invitation,
It serves doubts and regrets,
fears and guilts.

I know the answer is Refuge of the One,
And the obstacle is Mind.

I'll go through this limitless sky,
Unravel all these bounds.

Sometime facing that irresistible fatigue,
often flying languidly into the sights.

© Mohammad Shahnawaz 2015


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