Love love love !!!

We all do love, each and every one of us. Either we love a single person in our life, but we do. While there are some people who spend their whole lives loving. But the question is do we really 'love'?.
When we are in love, we are definitely sure enough that our love is the best anyone ever did. But have your peeked inside your heart to find out truth? Is it really love? Are we always loyal enough to stand openly on the stage of love? Ask yourself. But answer honestly.
           There might be times when wind got rough and you find yourself in that wind real tough. But was wind really rough that we failed to showcase what we vowed for?. We may blame the bad tidings, time brought with it. But you can't misjudge yourself when you widen your eyes to see your reality naked.
             There are three kind of people in this world. Ones who have nothing but fingers to point, then those ones who have nothing but mouth to yell and the third kind is one who stand in front of the mirror.
                      You can easily recognise which one of them you are. I hope you are someone, you always wished to be. But if you are unsatisfied of what you got. Put your fingers in the pocket, lock up the mouth and start with the man in the mirror.
                       And when you are ready to accept the change for better, seek love. Give yourself and love a chance again. To behold it the way it is. Remember, love is love when it is the way it is. No fake pretentions, no shiny glitters. Simplicity of love is the richness which true lovers possess.
       Bring home the love which makes nights brighter and days smoother. Let in the breeze that brings in dreams and wipes away nightmares.


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