Rotten Bodies, Dried Blood

Unload all your arms and ammunitions,
Let go of your horse and army,
Free your mind of all hatred and revenge,
Wind blows here at home,
Of yours, of your enemies,
It's power and success,
That has polluted the green field,
That has made it abandoned land,
Where life fears to breath in,
The rotten bodies, dried blood,

Rage makes it swift,
The blood flowing in veins,
It feels good and passionate,
When wind dries the sweat,
Battle shows courage,
Being butcher shows bravery,
Come home to life and humanity,

Killing love is satan's slavery,
Kingdoms will still exist,
People will live in peace and calm,
Even if the neighbour's much better,
Love and peace will never cause any harm,

It all got sense,
Even you know it for sure,
Love is what makes us smile,
It's only feel; completely pure,

I've said my thing,
I've shown what i feel,
I have done my work,
Further it's your work to peel,

The field is there awaiting,
With sun shining beneath the clouds,
The one's waiting for your homecoming,
Come real without grudge and doubts.


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